Return policy

·  United States

· ·  Return Shipping Costs: Typically the customer's responsibility, unless the item is defective or there was an error.

· Return Address:
1234 Warehouse Lane, Suite 500
Los Angeles, CA 90001
United States

·  Canada

· ·  Return Shipping Costs: Usually paid by the customer, unless the product is defective or incorrect.

· Return Address:
789 Distribution Rd, Unit 12
Toronto, ON M3C 0J1

·  United Kingdom

· ·  Return Shipping Costs: Generally borne by the customer, though some retailers may offer free returns.

· Return Address:
Returns Department
56 High Street, Suite 4
London, EC1A 4AX
United Kingdom

·  France

· ·  Return Shipping Costs: Typically paid by the customer, unless the item is faulty.

· Return Address:
Centre de Retours
22 Rue de Commerce, Apt. 3
75002 Paris

·  Germany

· ·  Return Shipping Costs: Usually the customer’s responsibility unless the item is defective; some retailers may cover return costs.

· Return Address:
Lange Straße 45, Raum 2
10115 Berlin

·  Australia

· ·  Return Shipping Costs: Typically paid by the customer, unless the item is faulty.

· Return Address:
Returns Processing
67 Market Street, Level 3
Sydney, NSW 2000

·  New Zealand

· ·  Return Shipping Costs: Usually borne by the customer, unless the product is defective.

· Return Address:
Returns Warehouse
123 Queen Street, Unit 9
Auckland 1010
New Zealand

·  Japan

· ·  Return Shipping Costs: Typically the customer’s responsibility unless the item is faulty or incorrect.

· Return Address:
4-5-1 Ginza, 2nd Floor
Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061

·  South Korea

· ·  Return Shipping Costs: Usually paid by the customer, unless the item is defective or there was an error.

· Return Address:
반품 처리 센터
55 Gangnam-daero, Suite 101
Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06122
South Korea

·  Switzerland

· ·  Return Shipping Costs: Generally paid by the customer unless the item is faulty or the retailer has a specific policy.

Return Address:
Bahnhofstrasse 16, 2.OG
8001 Zurich